Driffield League
We have eleven teams entered into the local Driffield League, with four mixed, four ladies and three men’s teams competing each week through the summer months.
2024 Captains
- Men’s A: Tom Bowman
- Men’s B: Matthew Taylor
- Men’s C: Phil Pugh
- Ladies A: Julie Stephenson
- Ladies B: Jill Atkinson
- Ladies C: Fiona Cast
- Ladies D: Tina Smallwood
- Mixed A: Dave Thompson
- Mixed B: Jack Lewis
- Mixed C: Judy Copeland
- Mixed D: Phil Pugh & Tina Smallwood
Fixtures & Results
Mixed A:
Tuesday 30th April: Driffield LTC A (H)
Tuesday 7th May: Pocklington B (A)
Tuesday 14th May: Beverley & ER A (H)
Tuesday 21st May: Driffield Rec A (A)
Tuesday 28th May: Pocklington A (A)
Tuesday 4th June: Bridlington A (H)
Tuesday 11th June: Sledmere A (A)
Tuesday 18th June: Driffield LTC A (A)
Tuesday 25th June: Pocklington B (H)
Tuesday 2nd July: Beverley & ER A (A)
Tuesday 9th July: Driffield Rec A (H)
Tuesday 16th July: Pocklington A (H)
Tuesday 23rd July: Bridlington A (A)
Tuesday 30th July: Sledmere A (H)
Mixed B:
Tuesday 30th April: Cherry Burton A (A)
Tuesday 7th May: Hutton Cranswick A (H)
Tuesday 14th May: Beverley & ER B (A)
Tuesday 21st May: Beverley Town A (H)
Tuesday 28th May: Nafferton A (H)
Tuesday 4th June: Scalby A (A)
Tuesday 11th June: Beeford A (H)
Tuesday 18th June: Cherry Burton A (H)
Tuesday 25th June: Hutton Cranswick A (A)
Tuesday 2nd July: Beverley & ER B (H)
Tuesday 9th July: Beverley Town A (A)
Tuesday 16th July: Nafferton A (A)
Tuesday 23rd July: Scalby A (H)
Tuesday 30th July: Beeford A (A)
Mixed C
Tuesday 30th April: Market Weighton D (H)
Tuesday 7th May: Flamborough A (A)
Tuesday 14th May: Bridlington B (H)
Tuesday 21st May: Hackness & Scarborough B (A)
Tuesday 28th May: Bye
Tuesday 4th June: Beeford B (H)
Tuesday 11th June: Hackness & Scarborough A (A)
Tuesday 18th June: Market Weighton D (A)
Tuesday 25th June: Flamborough A (H)
Tuesday 2nd July: Bridlington B (A)
Tuesday 9th July: Hackness & Scarborough B (H)
Tuesday 16th July: Bye
Tuesday 23rd July: Beeford B (A)
Tuesday 30th July: Hackness & Scarborough A (H)
Mixed D
Tuesday 30th April: Market Weighton C (A)
Tuesday 7th May: Bye
Tuesday 14th May: Beeford B (A)
Tuesday 21st May: Hackness & Scarborough A (H)
Tuesday 28th May: Hackness & Scarborough B (H)
Tuesday 4th June: Flamborough A (A)
Tuesday 11th June: Bridlington B (H)
Tuesday 18th June: Market Weighton C (H)
Tuesday 25th June: Bye
Tuesday 2nd July: Beeford B (H)
Tuesday 9th July: Hackness & Scarborough A (A)
Tuesday 16th July: Hackness & Scarborough B (A)
Tuesday 23rd July: Flamborough A (H)
Tuesday 30th July: Bridlington B (A)
Ladies A:
Wednesday 1st May: Long Riston A (H)
Wednesday 8th May: Cherry Burton A (A)
Wednesday 15th May: Brandesburton A (H)
Wednesday 22nd May: Scalby A (A)
Wednesday 29th May: Malton A (A)
Wednesday 5th June: Driffield LTC A (H)
Wednesday 12th June: Pocklington A (A)
Wednesday 19th June: Long Riston A (A)
Wednesday 26th June: Cherry Burton A (H)
Wednesday 3rd July: Brandesburton A (A)
Wednesday 10th July: Scalby A (H)
Wednesday 17th July: Malton A (H)
Wednesday 24th July: Driffield LTC A (A)
Wednesday 31st July: Pocklington A (H)
Ladies B:
Wednesday 1st May: Bridlington A (A)
Wednesday 8th May: Driffield Rec A (H)
Wednesday 15th May: Beverley Town A (A)
Wednesday 22nd May: Pocklington C (H)
Wednesday 29th May: Pocklington B (H)
Wednesday 5th June: Rudston A (A)
Wednesday 12th June: Sledmere A (H)
Wednesday 19th June: Bridlington A (H)
Wednesday 26th June: Driffield Rec A (A)
Wednesday 3rd July: Beverley Town A (H)
Wednesday 10th July: Pocklington C (A)
Wednesday 17th July: Pocklington B (A)
Wednesday 24th July: Rudston A (H)
Wednesday 31st July: Sledmere A (A)
Ladies C:
Wednesday 1st May: Bridlington B (H)
Wednesday 8th May: Hackness & Scarborough B (A)
Wednesday 15th May: Driffield LTC B (H)
Wednesday 22nd May: Pocklington D (A)
Wednesday 29th May: Hackness & Scarborough A (A)
Wednesday 5th June: Flamborough A (H)
Wednesday 12th June: Filey A (A)
Wednesday 19th June: Bridlington B (A)
Wednesday 26th June: Hackness & Scarborough B (H)
Wednesday 3rd July: Driffield LTC B (A)
Wednesday 10th July: Pocklington D (H)
Wednesday 17th July: Hackness & Scarborough A (H)
Wednesday 24th July: Flamborough A (A)
Wednesday 31st July: Filey A (H)
Ladies D:
Wednesday 1st May: Beverley & ER A (A)
Wednesday 8th May: Driffield Rec C (H)
Wednesday 15th May: Sledmere B (A)
Wednesday 22nd May: Harpham A (H)
Wednesday 29th May: Nafferton A (H)
Wednesday 5th June: Driffield Rec B (A)
Wednesday 12th June: Beeford A (H)
Wednesday 19th June: Beverley & ER A (H)
Wednesday 26th June: Driffield Rec C (A)
Wednesday 3rd July: Sledmere B (H)
Wednesday 10th July: Harpham A (A)
Wednesday 17th July: Nafferton A (A)
Wednesday 24th July: Driffield Rec B (H)
Wednesday 31st July: Beeford A (A)
Men’s A:
Thursday 2nd May: Beverley & ER A (H)
Thursday 9th May: Cherry Burton A (A)
Thursday 16th May: Bridlington A (H)
Thursday 23rd May: Hackness & Scarborough A (A)
Thursday 30th May: Sledmere A (A)
Thursday 6th June: Brandesburton A (H)
Thursday 13th June: Pocklington A (A)
Thursday 20th June: Beverley & ER (A)
Thursday 27th June: Cherry Burton A (H)
Thursday 4th July: Bridlington A (A)
Thursday 11th July: Hackness & Scarborough A (H)
Thursday 18th July: Sledmere A (H)
Thursday 25th July: Brandesburton A (A)
Thursday 1st August: Pocklington A (H)
Men’s B:
Thursday 2nd May: Beverley & ER C (A)
Thursday 9th May: Driffield LTC A (H)
Thursday 16th May: Bridlington B (A)
Thursday 23rd May: Rudston A (H)
Thursday 30th May: Hackness & Scarborough C (H)
Thursday 6th June: Beverley Town A (A)
Thursday 13th June: Brandesburton B (H)
Thursday 20th June: Beverley & ER C (H)
Thursday 27th June: Driffield LTC A (A)
Thursday 4th July: Bridlington B (H)
Thursday 11th July: Rudston A (A)
Thursday 18th July: Hackness & Scarborough C (A)
Thursday 25th July: Beverley Town A (H)
Thursday 1st August: Brandesburton B (A)
Men’s C:
Thursday 2nd May: Harpham B (H)
Thursday 9th May: Driffield LTC B (A)
Thursday 16th May: Driffield Rec B (H)
Thursday 23rd May: Driffield Rec C (A)
Thursday 30th May: Driffield LTC C (A)
Thursday 6th June: Driffield Rec A (H)
Thursday 13th June: Kilham A (A)
Thursday 20th June: Harpham B (A)
Thursday 27th June: Driffield LTC B (H)
Thursday 4th July: Driffield Rec B (A)
Thursday 11th July: Driffield Rec C (H)
Thursday 18th July: Driffield LTC C (H)
Thursday 25th July: Driffield Rec A (A)
Thursday 1st August: Kilham A (H)
York League Men’s Team:
Sunday 28th April: New Earswick (H)
Sunday 12th May: Wigginton 4 (A)
Sunday 19th May: Cawood 2 (H)
Sunday 2nd June: Heworth 3 (A)
Sunday 9th June: Poppleton 4 (H)
Sunday 16th June: Bishopthorpe 2 (A)
Sunday 30th June: New Earswick (A)
Sunday 7th July: Wigginton 4 (H)
Sunday 14th July: Cawood 2 (A)
Sunday 21st July: Heworth 3 (H)
Sunday 18th August: Poppleton 4 (A)
Sunday 1st September: Bishopthorpe 2 (H)
Men’s Yorkshire Doubles League Team:
Saturday 4th May: Appleby (A). 1330 start time.
Saturday 11th May: Hackness & Scarborough (H). 1400 start time.
Sunday 9th June: Holmfirth (H). 1200 start time.
Sunday 30th June: Adel (A). 1300 start time.
Sunday 7th July: Mexborough (H). 1400 start time.
Sunday 28th July: David Lloyd York B (A). Start time TBC.
TBC: Skipton (H)
TBC: Queen’s Halifax (A)